Delicious Rodda’s Recipes

Eliza Jane Rodda started making Cornish clotted cream in her farmhouse kitchen in the heart of Cornwall in 1890. This delicious clotted cream is made in exactly the same way to this very day and is a beloved product adored by many across the world. Here at Freshways, we know how popular Rodda’s is and this is why we offer it along with an extensive range of other dairy products!

No doubt, when you think of clotted cream, there is one thing that springs to mind and that is the quintessentially British cream tea. This is one of the most popular treats in the UK and enduringly popular, not to mention absolutely delicious!

However, clotted cream’s capabilities don’t end with scones and jam. And to show this, we’ve come up with some other fantastic ways to use delicious Roddas’s cream on your menu!

Creamy pea and mint risotto

This is a delicious recipe that you may be surprised works incredibly well as a savoury dish and works incredibly well accompanied with grilled fish or chicken and served with asparagus. Here’s how you make it:

Step 1

In a medium-sized pan, fry off a white onion in olive oil until soft and translucent. Add 200g of risotto rice and cook for two minutes. Then add a glass of dry white wine and stir. Reduce the heat to a low flame and top up with vegetable stock in sections and mix thoroughly.

Step 2

Add half a cup of peas and half a cup of pureed peas with fresh mint leaves sliced very finely. Add salt and pepper to taste and check the consistency of the rice. You’re looking for a slightly al dente rice texture and a glossy appearance. At this point add a tablespoon of Rodda’s clotted cream and mix well. Top with watercress and sprinkle with parmesan cheese!

Sweet potato and butternut squash soup

This is a delicious, warming dish. You can alter the flavour of your soup to your liking but adding a good dollop of Rodda’s clotted cream really adds to this dish!

Step 1

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees and cut the skin off your squash and sweet potato. Pop in a roasting dish with garlic, chilli flakes, salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil. Roast for 45 minutes and set to one side to cool down.

Step 2

Fry a white onion and a garlic clove in a deep pan until soft and translucent. Then add the potato and squash mixture and combine. Add in some vegetable stock and boil for 10 minutes. After this, wait for the mixture to cool down and pop half the mixture in a blender and whiz until smooth. Then whiz the other half. Pop the mix back on a low heat and two tablespoons of Rodda’s cream. Serve with warm buttered bread!

Mushroom bruschetta

This is an excellent veggie brunch option and incredibly easy to make! Garlic and mushrooms are always a match made in heaven and this dish is no exception.

Step 1

Thinly slice some chestnut mushrooms in a pan with minced garlic, olive oil, dried parsley and thyme. Cook down until soft and fragrant then add salt and pepper to taste. Take off the heat and let the mushroom mix cool down, the reason for doing so is so that the cream used doesn’t curdle. Then add a large tablespoon of Rodda’s clotted cream and mix well.

Step 2

Set the mixture aside and slice some sourdough bread and rub the individual slices with a clove of garlic and drizzle with olive oil. Pop this under a grill until golden and crisp. At this point, remove the slices of bread and pop on a plate and spoon on the mushroom mixture. Garnish with fresh parsley, fresh black pepper and parmesan cheese.

Strawberry and clotted cream cheesecake

This delicious recipe is a fusion of the traditional clotted cream tea fused with a classic cheesecake. Here’s how you make it!

Step 1

Greece and line a circular baking tin and make sure it has a loose bottom. You can use parchment paper to line your tin. Meanwhile, pop 300g of digestive biscuits in a freezer bag and mash up with a rolling pin or use a food processor if you have one. Pop the crumbs into a bowl and add 120g of unsalted butter to the biscuit mixture. Pop the biscuit base in the fridge.

Step 2

In a separate bowl, mix together a pot of Rodda’s clotted cream, 400g soft cream cheese and 250g of icing sugar. Mix together until combined. Remove the biscuit base from the fridge and layer the creamy mixture on top of the biscuit base. Allow to sit for at least 2-4 hours or even overnight. When preparing to serve, coat the top of the cake with thinly-sliced strawberries and garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Creamy hot chocolate

This is the perfect, warming drink and the addition of a bit of Rodda’s cream makes this a particularly decadent treat to have! Here is a simple recipe to make it.

Step 1

Pour one litre of whole milk into a deep saucepan and add 200ml of double cream and 113g clotted cream. When the liquid is warm but not boiling, add a large bar of milk chocolate and a tablespoon of cocoa powder.

Step 2

Leave the mixture to sit on a low heat for up to 40 minutes, giving it the occasional stir and making sure it’s not boiling over. Then ladle the chocolate mixture into a mug and top with whipped cream, marshmallows and grated chocolate for a decadent and delicious treat! Bon appetit!

As you can see, there is a lot more to clotted cream than the gold old fashioned cream tea not that there’s anything wrong with this) and you may have been surprised just how versatile this ingredient is! We certainly encourage you to experiment with your Rodda’s cream and explore the vast culinary delights on offer to you, beyond the delicious and delightful afternoon cream tea!

Do you require high-quality wholesale products? Freshways provide wholesale foods and dairy products across the UK

Have these deliciously creamy recipes inspired you to spice up your menu? If you’re in need of any high-quality cream products such as Rodda’s cream as well as any other dairy products for your business – Freshways can help. Here at Freshways, we are dedicated to providing each and every one of our clients throughout London, Wales and the UK, with the freshest milk and dairy products available.

From wholesalers and manufacturers right through to small businesses such as bakeries, cafes, hotels and retailers, we are the reliable dairy products supplier in the UK. We pride ourselves on being an independent and family-run business that offers only the highest quality dairy products. For more information about our products, simply get in touch with a helpful member of the Freshways team today. We’d be delighted to help with any enquiries you may have. Contact us today for more.

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